GBPI's Commitment to Equity and Inclusion

Our Commitment

The Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI) strives to be an antiracist research and advocacy organization that advances lasting solutions to expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians. To realize this mission, we must propose solutions that remove systemic barriers that prevent many Georgians from thriving. Our solutions must consider the negative effects of public policies on Black, Indigenous and People of Color; immigrants; women; LGBTQIA+ Georgians; people with disabilities and other people who are marginalized. Our work must also address the intersections of racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism, capitalism and other forms of structural oppression that shape the inequitable conditions in which Georgians live and the disparate outcomes they experience. Furthermore, the solutions we advance must be targeted to communities most impacted by inequities to address systemic racism and the historic, intentional exclusion generated by public policies at the local, state and federal level.

GBPI provides budget and fiscal analysis to ensure our state’s policies are meeting the needs of our people. As the state has grown and become more racially and ethnically diverse, we have committed to disaggregating data and providing context as to why disparities persist along racial, gender and other identities; seeking resources that advance organizational development and knowledge of equity in all its dimensions; recruiting and hiring from a diverse talent pool; developing relationships with diverse partner organizations and communities and better integrating racial and ethnic equity into GBPI’s strategic plan, mission, vision and core values.

GBPI must continue improving and strengthening its knowledge and capacity around the work of antiracism, equity and inclusion. Internally, we must embrace a more inclusive approach to doing work that results in sound, best practices in human resources, operations, partner engagement and advocacy. Additionally, we must ensure that our research and analysis, strategic communications, outreach and community engagement first do no harm, and then help build a fair and inclusive state where all people prosper. We must better integrate an intersectional approach. As a data-driven organization, we must also acknowledge the inadequacy of data at times in portraying the complete picture of people’s identities and lived experiences, and of inequities in our state.

We are committed to doing the internal work to achieve these goals. We also have the resolve and courage to speak truth to power and be unrelenting in our efforts to call out inequity, identify the problems and barriers we face and, more importantly, propose the antiracist solutions necessary to ensure all Georgians can thrive—living free from oppression, systemic barriers and discrimination.

Helpful Definitions

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Submit your comment on the Georgia Pathways to Coverage Program

Submit public comment on Georgia’s Pathways to Coverage program extension by February 20th – just complete this easily fillable form: