Ga. department of labor weighing changes to state’s unemployment insurance

[…]A non-partisan group in Georgia is recommending big changes to state leaders that put more money in the pockets of unemployed people for longer.

The state is seeing unemployment claims jump as emergency orders shut down many businesses across the state. The Governor and Department of Labor commissioner already made changes for people who are temporarily laid off or had hours cut.

“I applaud those changes; I think that they came at the perfect time, definitely designed to ease access to unemployment insurance,” Alex Camardelle, a senior policy analyst with the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, said.

The Georgia Budget and Policy Institute tracks how state money is spent and how policies impact Georgians. In short, they want the state to extend unemployment benefits and widen the net for who qualifies.

Camardelle outlined 5 recommendations to the Department of Labor to go further on unemployment insurance:

Read the full article at WTOC

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