GEORGIA — Today, the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI) released a statement in response to the Governor’s signing of HB 916, which funds the state government for FY 2025 beginning July 1, 2024.
Statement from Staci Fox, President and CEO, GBPI:
“GBPI applauds the state’s first full-year appropriations plan that increases per-person spending above pre-pandemic levels in the FY25 budget. We are also thrilled to see some other noteworthy additions including $205 million for long-awaited student transportation funding, approximately $100 million extra for Georgia’s Lottery-funded pre-K program and nearly $10 million for Georgia’s Childcare and Parent Services Program (CAPS program).
Our concern remains centered on the approximately $11 billion in unallocated and ungoverned public funds. With monthly revenue collections continuing to outpace appropriations, GBPI believes that Georgia can go further to address the needs of its residents.
Currently, state leaders’ budget priorities lean towards one-time capital expenditures like construction projects (e.g., a new legislative office building). Instead, the state could leverage its plentiful bonding capacity and AAA credit rating to pay for these projects over time. Moving forward, state leaders could consider the needs and desires of Georgians, as reflected through polling, to more robustly fund child care, safety net programs and K-12 education.
GBPI remains positioned to partner with all state leaders to help craft a state budget to spend public dollars for the highest and best public good.