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Welcome to GBPI’s 2019 Budget Primer
Georgia plans to spend $26.2 billion in state funds raised through taxes and fees for the 2019 fiscal year. The budget plan anticipates a revenue increase of $1.2 billion, or 4.9 percent more than the prior year.
While Georgia’s $26.2 billion budget is record-setting, 64 percent of that $1.2 billion revenue increase is due to natural growth. Unless the state’s economy sinks, factors like an increasing population and rising retirement benefits for state employees will almost always make the cost of running the state higher from year to year.
Our Georgia Budget Primer 2019 is a clear explanation of the state’s revenue collections and its spending plan for the 12-month fiscal year that starts July 1, 2018.
The governor proposed the 2019 state budget at the start of the Georgia General Assembly in January 2018. State lawmakers made minor changes to it before Gov. Nathan Deal signed the budget into law in May. Lawmakers will amend the 2019 state budget after the next legislative session starts January 2019 to reconcile it with actual revenues and make other needed adjustments. Keep up to date with changes by subscribing to our newsletter.