Claire HeadshotThe Schoolhouse Squeeze 2014 compiles the latest numbers to show how cuts at the state level and lost local property values combine to create financial stress for school districts. This year’s update to the original 2013 report features a searchable database so you can easily access information about your district, or any of Georgia’s 179 others.

This search engine is courtesy of EmpowerED, a nonprofit focused on building a grassroots movement of parents, educators and other people in the community to support public education in Georgia. The search engine quickly references district-level data previously only available to a reader through cross-referencing multiple spreadsheets in the report.

Our update finds many of the 180 school systems across Georgia are almost as financially distressed as last year. GBPI produces the only research that drills down to the district level to indicate which districts face the combined challenges of drastic state cuts through the state education funding formula with fewer local resources caused by a reduced tax digest.

You’ll want to read the full “Schoolhouse Squeeze 2014” report, but you can take a quick glance at the district you’re most interested through this convenient search tool. I hope you’ll find our new district search engine to be a helpful way to sort the numbers we’ve crunched to spotlight the challenges ahead for Georgia’s public schools.

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