Insights 2025: Roadmap to Opportunity

Join us for Insights 2025: A Roadmap to Opportunity.

This year it’s more important than ever to keep track of the dollars our lawmakers are spending and the policies they are implementing. Every year GBPI begins legislative session by examining the budget that is set for our state. Investment and opportunity for our communities start at a single dollar, and we are set to discuss billions of them.

We always dive deep into our state budget at Insights. This year we will also be making note of where federal policies could alter our budget and the lives of Georgians. Our in-person event will feature a budget overview given by our senior fiscal analyst, Danny Kanso, and fireside chats with our team of experts to more thoroughly explore the budgets (and opportunities) for key issue areas.

Opportunity comes from knowledge. Not only will our team discuss where the money is being spent, they will outline where the money could be spent. When we know all the opportunities that our dollars could afford, we can then advocate for them and hold our leaders accountable to them.

Our team of analysts will show us many opportunities Georgia has to safeguard and improve the lives of Georgians. It’s not just about our analysts, though. Along with Barred Business, 9to5 Georgia, GALEO, Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda and ProGA we are launching the Building Economic Security Together (BEST) campaign to reimagine state economic security policies and programs, shift public narratives and discourse and build diverse partnerships that center and engage directly impacted communities. After our in-person discussion on the budget on Friday, you are invited to a virtual portion of our event that will launch this vital campaign. This portion of insights will take place from 2pm-3pm on zoom.

We hope you join us on this Roadmap to Opportunity. Please make sure to purchase your tickets in advance here and register for the zoom event here. Breakfast will be provided.


Insights 2025: A Roadmap to Opportunity

Friday, January 24th

8:30am – 12:00pm in person; 2:00pm – 3:00pm on zoom

Georgia Freight Depot

65 M.L.K Jr Dr SW

Atlanta, GA 30303


There is limited parking available at the Georgia Freight Depot, and additional parking in the Underground Atlanta lot (75 M.L.K. Jr Dr SW) and more garages in the vicinity. We will not be validating parking for this event.

The Freight Depot is also a 4-minute walk from the Georgia State Marta Station or a 10-minute walk from the Five Points Marta Station.


Are you or your organization interested in sponsoring this event? Take a look at our sponsorship opportunities here. 

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