Major reforms in taxes, criminal justice come up for vote in Georgia Legislature this week
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted on the House fiscal year 2013 budget. Read full article.
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted on the House fiscal year 2013 budget. Read full article.
Journalist Walter C. Jones covers GBPI’s 2012 policy conference. Ricardo Azziz, president of Georgia Health Sciences University, said policymakers don’t often talk of social services as economic-development programs but they should. Even Medicaid, the health-insurance program for the poor, brings
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted by Walter Jones of the Florida Times-Union on tax reform for the current legislative session. View the full article.
The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute works to advance lasting solutions that expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute