Jobless Benefit Cuts Help State Repay Loan
GBPI Senior Analyst Clare Richie is quoted on unemployment benefit cuts to Georgian workers and suggests other options that prevent Georgian workers from losing their benefits. Read full article here.
GBPI Senior Analyst Clare Richie is quoted on unemployment benefit cuts to Georgian workers and suggests other options that prevent Georgian workers from losing their benefits. Read full article here.
GPB News relies on data from GBPI’s K-12 education report; GBPI analyst Cedric Johnson is quoted in full article.
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig discusses how the new tax bill will change how consumers buy cars and shop online. Read the full article.
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted on lottery fund reform. Read the full article.
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted on the zero-based budgeting system. Read full article.
GBPI Executive Director Alan Essig is quoted by Jeanne Bonner of GPB News on the Governor’s Budget Report FY 2013. Read full article.
The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute works to advance lasting solutions that expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute