ATLANTA – The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute releases its annual report, Adding Up the Fiscal Notes, along with analysis of the FY 2012 budget in the areas of education, health care and human services.
As Georgia continues to grapple with its fiscal crisis, a balanced approach to the state budget is needed now more than ever. Over the past few years, Georgia has cut critical state services by more than $2.5 billion. FY 2012 proves to be a continuation of recent trends with almost $500 million in additional cuts included in the enacted FY 2012 budget.
Policymakers are choosing to limit their responses to the state’s fiscal challenges to cuts in services followed by still more cuts; however, a more pragmatic approach is needed. In addition to modernizing Georgia’s current tax system through comprehensive tax reform, policymakers should bring all existing tax breaks into the budget discussion. Only then can policymakers begin to have a reasonable discussion on the investments needed to attract and maintain businesses while providing for the growing needs of all Georgians.
Download the following GBPI reports for more information.
Adding Up the Fiscal Notes 2011: Almost $100 Million Cost to Tax Bills; No Comprehensive Tax Reform
Education: Department of Early Care & Learning, Department of Education, Board of Regents, Technical College System of Georgia
FY 2012 Education Budgets: Serving More With Less
Human Services
Three Years of Deep Cuts: Overview of the Approved FY 2012 DHS Budget
Health Care: Medicaid and PeachCare
FY 2012 Budget Replaces Federal Recovery Funds, Inadequately Funds State Medicaid Program
Health Care: Mental Health & Development Disability
Health Care: Department of Public Health
Additional report released on the Education Special Purpose Location Option Sales Tax for four metro Atlanta schools.
In addition, GBPI releases its report on the Education Special Purpose Location Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST) initiatives for Atlanta Public Schools, City Schools of Decatur, DeKalb County School System and Fulton County School System. Click here to download the full report.
Media Contact:
Utoia Wooten
404.420.1324 ext. 109
About the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
GBPI is the state’s leading independent, nonpartisan nonprofit engaged in research and education about the fiscal and economic health of the state of Georgia. GBPI provides reliable, timely analysis of Georgia’s budget and tax policies, and promotes greater state government fiscal accountability, improved service and an enhanced quality of life for all Georgians.