ATLANTA – The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute releases two new policy briefs on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training and FY 2012 funding for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Media interviews are welcomed.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Georgia is poised to maximize its Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment & Training program, which will help more food stamp recipients gain skills to obtain and maintain employment:
- New federal guidance and approved models from other states can facilitate compliance.
- A coalition of community-based organizations has begun discussions with the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS).
- Georgia DHS is required to submit the federal fiscal year 2012 Georgia SNAP Employment &Training Plan this summer.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute’s new brief, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment & Training Program – Georgia Primer, provides an overview of available federal funding, Georgia’s recent experience, model programs from other states, and potential next steps for Georgia.
Georgia’s Decreasing TANF Funds
For FY 2012, Georgia will have 2 percent less federal TANF funds available than in 2011 and 15 percent less funds than in FY 2009. This is due, in part, to:
- a decreasing federal unobligated balance;
- cuts to the federal TANF Supplemental Grant; and,
- an increased reliance on private funds for TANF Maintenance of Effort.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute’s policy brief, Georgia’s Decreasing TANF Funds: An Overview of the FY 2012 Allocation of TANF Funds in Georgia, provides a review of the allocation of TANF funds in FY 2012 and its implications on programs that serve low-income children and families.
Media Contact:
Utoia Wooten
About the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute
GBPI is the state’s leading independent, nonpartisan nonprofit engaged in research and education about the fiscal and economic health of the state of Georgia. GBPI provides reliable, timely analysis of Georgia’s budget and tax policies, and promotes greater state government fiscal accountability, improved services and an enhanced quality of life for all Georgians.