New Federal Tax Credit Benefits 84% of Small Businesses in Georgia
Jessica Woods
October 12, 2010
The new healthcare law (the Affordable Care Act) includes new tax credits to help small businesses provide health ...
More Georgians Lack Employer Coverage
Jessica Woods
October 8, 2010
This fact sheet provides the latest Affordable Care Act on health coverage and uninsured rates for Georgia. The ...
Establishing an Economic Security Task Force in Georgia
Jessica Woods
September 28, 2010
The Great Recession has dramatically changed the face of poverty in Georgia. More middle class families are falling ...
Advancing Georgia’s 1930s Tax System to the Modern Day
Jessica Woods
August 25, 2010
The report offers recommendations to the 2010 Tax Reform Council that stress a workable combination of raising enough ...
Georgia Once Again Faces Budget Shortfall: Gov Orders Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in More Cuts
Jessica Woods
July 27, 2010
As the state begins its 2011 fiscal year it is facing another potential budget shortfall of approx $500 ...
Adding Up the Fiscal Notes 2010: Gov Vetoes Revenue Drains, but Signs Law to Raise Taxes on Poor
Jessica Woods
July 26, 2010
The General Assembly passed bills to raise $438 million and improve tax collections during the recent legislative session, ...
State Directs Majority of TANF Funds to Child Welfare Despite Rise in TANF Recipients for FY 2011
Jessica Woods
June 24, 2010
Georgia has 13.7% cumulatively less TANF funds than it had to use for families struggling to make ends ...
Lawmakers Protect Medicaid, Funding Gaps Loom for 2012: Analysis of FY 2011 Health Care Budgets
Jessica Woods
June 21, 2010
Lawmakers cut Department of Community Health by $236.8 million and increased support for the Department of Behavioral Health ...
Deep Cuts to Government Mark Fiscal Year 2011, Budget May Yet Be in the Red
Jessica Woods
June 16, 2010
The Great Recession has resulted in the worst fiscal crisis in more than 70 years, resulting in multi-billion ...
State Budget Slashes Services for Children, Poor, and the Elderly
Jessica Woods
June 15, 2010
Responding to Georgia’s low projected revenues for this upcoming fiscal year, Georgia legislators and the governor agreed to ...
Georgia is Depending on Congress to Avert a Medicaid Crisis
Jessica Woods
June 9, 2010
Georgia’s new budget assumes Recovery Act Medicaid funds will be extended past Dec. 31, when it is expires. ...
Education Budgets FY 2011 Highlights … And the Four Options for the Future
Jessica Woods
May 25, 2010
In response to continued revenue declines and limited new revenue measures, lawmakers cut education — K-12, University System, ...
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