Georgia’s tax system has needed a tune up for years. But brewing plans for a drastic overhaul threaten to do much more harm than good.
A cadre of Georgia lawmakers and activists is pushing to drastically change how our state funds its public needs and, in the process, critically undermine our state’s ability to thrive in a 21st century economy.
To spotlight the gravity of this threat, a panel of three leading experts on state tax issues will open the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute’s 2014 Policy Conference with a discussion themed “Tax Shift Plans Threaten Georgia.”
- Meg Wiehe is State Tax Policy Director at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy in Washington, D.C. Meg works closely with state policymakers, legislative staff and advocacy organizations to promote and protect sound tax policies. She is a leading expert on the details of tax shift policies, their impact on families and their troubling track record in states across the country.
- Michael Leachman is Director of State Fiscal Research at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C., where he analyzes state fiscal decisions and promotes sustainable tax and budget policies. He will explore claims that tax shift policies help grow the economy and strengthen businesses, which are not well-supported by mainstream research.
- Alexandra Sirota is Director of the North Carolina Tax and Budget Center, where she analyzes pressing budget, tax and economic decisions in that state. During the past year she played a key role in the public debate over proposed tax shift plans in North Carolina, which are expected to blow an annual $700 million hole in the state’s budget once fully implemented.
A fair and balanced tax system capable of meeting public needs is one of the most important pillars to support a strong and prosperous state. Tax revenue is the foundation beneath a state’s shared investments, such as education and transportation. When state lawmakers weaken that foundation, they move things like better schools, stronger infrastructure and accessible health care out of reach.
Register now to reserve your seat for the income tax panel and a full day of compelling conversation about what’s possible for Georgia.