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The State of Georgia’s Healthcare System: References, Methods and Sources
Methodology Figure 1: GBPI analysis of Department of Health and Human Services’ data on state and county estimates of the uninsured population in the U.S. using the Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey. This analysis is based solely on income

Barriers to Bridges: County Fact Sheets
Local communities throughout the state of Georgia are better off when families have affordable child care that meets their needs and fosters strong child development. However, the costs for licensed child care are too high for the typical family. Child

Overview: Georgia’s 2022 Fiscal Year Budget for Human Services
The Governor is requesting very small increases in select programs administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS). The request amends the current fiscal year (FY 2021) spending plan by providing a .5 percent bump in spending, and

GBPI Letter Urges Senators to Pass Comprehensive COVID-19 Relief
December 4, 2020 Senator David Perdue455 Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington DC 20510 Dear Senator Perdue, The holiday season is supposed to be a time filled with joy and shared with loved ones. But this year, too many Georgians are unable
Georgians Struggling to Survive: Basics of Rent, Utilities and Food Needed Most
GBPI has partnered with the SouthStrong to produce this look at how Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants in Georgia were faring amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The data was analyzed and the report was written by the Southern Economic Advancement

Moving HOPE Forward into the 21st Century
HOPE has made college more accessible and affordable for more almost two million college students since Georgia voters approved the creation of the lottery-funded HOPE Scholarships and Grants more than 25 years ago. Georgia needs to develop and harness all

Fast Facts on HOPE – 2020
HOPE At-a-Glance provides a quick and simple reference of the state’s six lottery-funded HOPE programs. HOPE provides grants and scholarships to students pursuing technical certificates and diplomas and associate and bachelor’s degrees. This downloadable, one-page fact sheet includes state budget

Spread the Word: Raise Revenues for Georgia
Georgia is facing an economic and fiscal crisis that threatens the state’s ability to fund critically-needed programs and services in health, education and more. A state revenue shortfall of nearly $3 billion is projected in fiscal year 2021, and the