Economic Justice


Economic justice refers to a fair and inclusive economy where everyone, especially people who are marginalized, can prosper. GBPI envisions a Georgia in which all people are treated as human and deserving, have the resources to support themselves, their loved ones and communities, and have opportunities to build intergenerational wealth for long-term well-being and to realize their full potential. To accomplish this requires ending all forms of systematic oppression—racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and ableism. Policies sustain these systems of oppression and bolster economic opportunities for some while extracting labor, health and wealth from others.

GBPI believes a combination of policies are needed to advance towards economic justice, including supporting Georgians’ basic needs (food, shelter, health care, education), improving their household financial stability (living wages/stable resources to pay bills) and promoting their long-term economic security (ability to absorb shocks and plan for the future). GBPI advocates for equitable programs and policies like safety net and workforce development programs, quality jobs, initiatives that reduce the negative impacts of the criminal legal system and policies that promote a welcoming environment for immigrants.


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Issue Experts

Ife Finch Floyd

Director of Economic Justice

Ray Khalfani
Ray Khalfani

Senior Analyst, Worker Justice & Criminal Legal Systems

Crystal Muñoz

Immigration Analyst

Dominique Derbigny Sims

Senior Vice President

Former Authors

Stephanie Angel Image
Stephanie Angel

Former Policy Fellow, Immigration & the Criminal Legal System

Alex Camardelle Image
Alex Camardelle

Former Senior Policy Analyst, Economic Mobility

Melissa Johnson Image
Melissa Johnson

Former Senior Policy Analyst

Jennifer Owens

Former Senior Vice President

Wesley Tharpe Image
Wesley Tharpe

Former Research Director

Issue Areas

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