Statement by David Schaefer, Vice President of Research and Policy, GBPI:
The Georgia Budget and Policy Institute is deeply disappointed by the signing of SB 233, a voucher bill that will divert crucial public money away from public K-12 schools. A previous version of the bill was estimated to cost as much as $150 million once fully enacted. Moreover, SB 233 legislation falls short of guaranteeing the high standards of instruction, educational quality and civil rights protections that characterize more accountable public schools. Research shows that vouchers are used overwhelmingly by wealthier Georgia metro counties but not by rural areas—likely because, in many cases, private schooling options are unavailable. The data is clear: private school vouchers are unpopular with Georgians. Lawmakers should listen and prioritize policies that reflect community needs, such as an opportunity weight bill to offer more resources for students living and learning in poverty.