New Revenue Needed To Invest in Medicaid

GBPI Director of Health Policy Timothy Sweeney releases the following statement in response to the Department of Community Health Board meeting today.

“Instead of blaming Washington for Georgia’s shortcomings, lawmakers should take a balanced approach that includes new revenues so the state can properly invest in this important area. Contrary to what the commissioner implied, Georgia already has substantial flexibility in how it delivers services to people enrolled in Medicaid.

“Georgia spends less per Medicaid enrollee than nearly any other state and has one of the highest rates of residents living without health insurance. It’s time for the state to stop making excuses and invest in a healthy Georgia.”


Timothy Sweeney is available for comments and interviews. Media coverage is invited.


Media Contact:

Utoia Wooten

404.420.1324 ext.  109


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GBPI is the state’s leading independent, nonpartisan nonprofit engaged in research and education about the  fiscal and economic health of the state of Georgia. GBPI provides reliable,  timely analysis of Georgia’s budget and tax policies, and promotes greater state  government fiscal accountability, improved services and an enhanced quality of life for all Georgians.

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