Report: Georgia students go hungry during the summer
Georgia is among six states that “missed out” on the most federal funding for feeding children from low-income households, according to a new report. Read more.
Georgia is among six states that “missed out” on the most federal funding for feeding children from low-income households, according to a new report. Read more.
Georgia fell slightly in an annual ranking of how children and families fare as the state continues to be plagued by a high percentage of children in poverty and parents without a secure job. Read more.
Gov. Nathan Deal plans to sign a bill Wednesday to lift the lifetime ban on food stamps for convicted drug felons. Read more.
While bills focused on controversial social issues like medical cannabis oil and religious liberty soaked up most of the attention, lawmakers also focused on some little-noticed but important initiatives. Read more.
With the foster care population on the rise and caseworker loads increasing, the state budget for child welfare is struggling to meet the needs of the Georgia Division of Family Services Read more.
Services for Georgia’s Vulnerable Get Needed Lift Gov. Nathan Deal’s proposed $634 million Department of Human Services budget for the 2017 fiscal year marks a clear change in direction after years of cuts and public criticism of the agency’s ability
While most adults who rely on cash and food assistance in Georgia lack any education beyond high school, not enough of the state’s workers are trained for so-called middle-skill jobs. Middle-skill jobs require more than a high school diploma but
Georgia is missing out on key opportunities to strengthen its workforce because it does not fully leverage the potential of safety net programs Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T). Read
For the last 15 years or so, I’ve peered out across many crowded rooms filled to capacity with bright-eyed, on occasion teary-eyed, Georgians. So many are desperate for solutions to help improve their communities, especially the families struggling to get
School is starting this week for many Georgia children but education ended much too soon for many of the state’s adults. Nearly 866,000 Georgians from 18 to 64 are without a high school diploma or GED. Georgia is home to
The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute works to advance lasting solutions that expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute